4th Annual Catholic Charities SOS Stakeholders Awards Breakfast
Event Date
Event Time9:00 am - 12:00 pm;
The Brownstone
351 W Broadway,
Brownstone, NJ/Passaic
Tickets are now available for The SOSVETS Veterans Stakeholders Awards Breakfast! The awards will be given on Saturday March 30, 2019 9AM at the SOSVETS Stakeholders Awards Breakfast held at : The Brownstone, 351 W Broadway, Paterson, NJ.Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_BkoLlVmHI The cost is $35.00, Each table will sit 10 people. Tickets and ad payments can be paid on line. Here:
All proceeds for this event will support the SOSVETS Veterans Unmet Needs Fund. For tickets or Ads please contact David Pearson at dpearson@Catholicharities.org or (973) 818-3601 Check Payments can be sent to Make Checks/Money Orders Payable To: Catholic Family and Community Services Unmet Needs Fund Attn: David Pearson 24 Degrasse Street Paterson NJ 07055-2001

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