A Night at the Races – Benefit for Semper Fido
Event Date
Event Time6:00 pm - 10:00 pm;
Magnolia Recreation Center
425 Brooke Avenue
Magnolia, NJ
USS New Jersey Masonic Lodge No. 62 is holding a fundraiser on August 19 that will benefit Semper Fido. The Semper Fido organization saves shelter dogs and trains them to be service companions for veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries. It takes 6-9 months and costs around $30,000 just to train, board, and prepare 1 dog to be paired with a veteran! So, USS New Jersey Lodge is trying to help out as a way to thank veterans that sacrificed so much for our country.
The Night at the Races event will be a fun-filled evening with video horse races, raffles, dinner, and a 50/50 drawing. While dinner is included, it is a BYOB event.
Tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For more info or to purchase tickets, email jim.stapleton@gmail.com

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