Event Date
Event Time12:00 am;
Philadelphia Union League
140 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA
A VETERANS CEMETERY HIDDEN IN PLAIN VIEW – a study of Black Civil War soldiers and sailors buried at the Philadelphia National Cemetery”
Our speaker is Ed McLaughlin, a U.S. Army veteran and local historian who is active in historic preservation projects in the area. He is a specialist in the Philadelphia National Cemetery and the heroic Black veterans of the Civil War. He will present a power point program on the cemetery on January 16. Where is the Cemetery? In the winter of 1864, men of color were dying almost every day. In February of 1864 on the second, third, fourth and fifth of each day, a man died of pneumonia. So it went day after day of the Civil War years of 1863, 1864 and 1865. The place – Camp William Penn in the village of La Mott, Cheltenham Township. It was the training camp for 11 regiments of United States Colored Troops (USCT). These were federal troops much like the state volunteers from other states such as the famed 54th Massachusetts Infantry, made more famous from the movie “Glory”. The land of the camp was on property owned by the abolitionist family of Lucretia Mott and leased to the Federal government.
Monday, January 16, 2017 American Legion Post# 405 Meeting – OPEN TO ALL – Military, Non Military – Non Union League Members.
Time: 6:00 PM
Dress Code: Coat & Tie for men, No Jeans or sneakers please.

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