Adm. Halsey Awards Dinner
Event Date
Event Time5:30 pm - 9:30 pm;
Battleship NJ
62 Battleship Place
Camden, NJ
The Battleship New Jersey Museum and Memorial will hold the second annual Admiral Halsey Awards Dinner on Thursday, May 11, 2023 onboard the Battleship New Jersey.
Event chairs, The Honorable Patricia Egan Jones and Captain Walt Urban, USN (Ret.), are proud to announce that the awards, named for Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey, Jr., will recognize major contributions to the areas of business, military service and public service.
The award for business leadership honors an individual who leads with integrity, a strong sense of community and whose direction has made their organization a leader in the Delaware River region. This year’s award honors Mark McDonough, President, New Jersey American Water and Sr. Vice President, American Water. More info

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