Armed Forces Day Luncheon with Brigadier General Anthony J Carrelli, USAF
Event Date
Event Time11:30 am;
Philadelphia Union League
140 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA
Now, more than ever, our troops need our continued support. As the Armed Services Council strives to provide informative and educational programming for all members, please consider joining us or sponsoring a ticket for this celebration of the Armed Forces. Come mingle with members and guests during the reception and sit down to enjoy a delicious lunch and insightful look into the current happenings of the National Guard.
Brigadier General Anthony J. Carrelli assumed duties as acting Adjutant General on January 14, 2016, and was confirmed by the Senate of Pennsylvania as the 53rd Adjutant General of Pennsylvania on June 29, 2016. In this cabinet-level position with the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, headquartered at Ft. Indiantown Gap, Annville, PA, General Carrelli is responsible for the command, control and supervision of National Guard units – Army and Air – allocated to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, six state-owned veterans’ homes and programs for Pennsylvania’s one million veterans.
General Carrelli graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a Bachelor of Science Degree and was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1985. He served in the active duty Air Force for several years as a T-37, AT-38, and A-10 pilot. Following his release from active duty, General Carrelli joined the Pennsylvania Air National Guard where he served as commander of both the 111 Fighter Wing and the 171 Air Refueling Wing, and Deputy Adjutant General – Air, before assuming duties as Adjutant General. General Carrelli has deployed in numerous operations to include Desert Storm, Southern Watch, and most recently Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. He has been awarded many medals and honors and continues to serve as an example of a patriotic American.
We hope, whether you can join us or not, you will consider sponsoring a ticket for active military personnel to attend.
Reception: 11:30am
Lunch and Program: Noon
When: Thursday, May 18th at 11:30am Reception with lunch and program to follow
Price: $40.00 per person

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