Barnegat’s 2023 National Vietnam War Veterans Day
Event Date
Barnaget High School Gyn
180 Bengal Blvd
Barnaget, NJ
Barnegat’s 2023 Vietnam War Veterans Day has a HUGE improvement with being held INDOORS in the Barnegat High School main gym.
We’ll have officers from the VA, Vet Center, DAV, DMAVA, and the Ocean County Veterans Service Bureau onsite once again, from 2pm – 5pm, but in the same building (in the cafeteria), so attendees will not have to travel to get help with their claims, and also attend our event (in the main gym).
Commemorative lapel pins from the DoD will also, once again, be given to all Vietnam veterans in attendance.
But there’s more! Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming weeks, but RSVP and **spread the word* More info

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