Case Law/Search & Seizure Update That All Cops Must Know
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Event Time9:00 am - 4:00 pm;
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The student will learn past and present case law specifically to NJ. This knowledge will give any police officer from Rookie to Veteran the ability to make more informed decisions in a variety of different circumstances that police officers face on a frequent basis. Knowledge is power, and if there has been any confusion on how case law and 2C law applies to our profession this course will clear that up. Everything in this course was taken from existing NJ law journals and manuals. The student will be given all the sources from where the material for this course was constructed so they will be able to reference cases during the course of their duties. This is an excellent refresher for any officers that have attended the Narcotic and Criminal Interdiction, Street Smart Cop, and Pro-Active Patrol courses. A great course for all divisions and rankings in police departments throughout the state!

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