Delaware Goes to War Cape Henlopen State Park Del.
Event Date
Event Time10:00 am - 4:00 pm;
Cape Henlopen State Park, Fort Miles
Cape Henlopen State Park
Lewes , De
This is a large gathering of period WW2 re enactors, multiple era military vehicles, a functioning a coast Artillery Museum that in WW2 coordinated with the gunnery tower near Cape May. There will be lectures on the submarine warfare and coastal defense of the area during WW2. This is now a fully functioning museum and display site worth the trip. There will be firing demonstration, the surrender of the U858, the last submarine to surrender after WW2. Conveniently located just a mile from the Cape Henlopen Ferry. Make a left coming out of the terminal and you dead end in the park. Outstanding for vets and families of all ages.

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