Disabled American Veterans Outreach Event
Event Date
Event Time9:00 am - 3:00 pm;
Merchantville Community Center
212 Somerset Ave,
Merchantville, NJ - New Jersey
Sponsored by FW Grigg Post #68, in conjunction with the Philadelphia Office of Disabled American Veterans and the Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs, will be an all day informational and service event.
The DAV will have their Mobil Service Office (MSO) and DAV staff on location.
There will be a seminar to explain the claims and benefits process. Following the seminar, counselors will be available to meet 1 on 1 with veterans to answer question, file claims and provide any other services as needed. Contact 609-280-7572 with questions or more info
The Camden County Office of Veterans Affairs will be available to assist veterans with locally available services.
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