General Meade Birthday Celebration
Event Date
Event Time11:30 am;
Laurel Hill Cemetery
3822 Ridge Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
Annual General Meade Birthday Celebration in Philadelphia, Saturday, December 31, 2016 will mark the annual anniversary of the birth of General George G. Meade, heroic commander of the victorious Union army at the Battle of Gettysburg.
The General Meade Society of Philadelphia will celebrate his birthday at Historic Laurel Hill Cemetery, 3822 Ridge Ave., Philadelphia where the noble hero is interred. It is the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of the General Meade Society. The military parade and ceremony will commence at 12 noon. Military and Civilian Living Historians are encouraged to participate! Visitors and participants are asked to gather at the Gatehouse of Laurel Hill at 11:30AM.The parade of Civil War reenactment units, civilians in period attire, heritage groups, and participants will process to the final resting place of the Victor of Gettysburg and memorialize his services to the nation.
A champagne toast and reception will follow the program. A tour of the historic cemetery will be offered (weather permitting). This year marks the 26th anniversary of the Meade birthday celebration by the General Meade Society. For directions, call: 215-228-8200 Laurel Hill Cemetery. For information and registration call Dr. Andy Waskie at 215-204-5452

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