Grand Army Preservation Luncheon
Event Date
Event Time11:00 am;
Cannstatter Volksfest Verein
9130 Academy Rd
Philadelphia, PA
Annual Grand Army Museum Preservation Luncheon
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Cannstatter Volksfest Verein
9130 Academy Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19114
(215) 332-0121
Cost: $35 per person – $65 per couple. Choice of Beef, Chicken, or Salmon 11am open for book browsing, and signings; 12 noon cocktails; 1pm luncheon 2pm presentation: “‘LINCOLN’S GAMBLE: Six Months That Changed America’ by Historian Todd Brewster. Presentation of the ‘Grand Army Award’ for preservation efforts. Fundraiser raffle of prints; door prizes; books; entertainment; fun!
To reserve – contact:; or call: 215-289-6484
Deadline to reserve: March 16, 2018

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