Healing Art for a Hero’s Heart
Event Date
Event Time1:30 pm - 3:30 pm;
Voorhees Art Commission
1075 The Mall at Voorhees
Voorhees, NJ
February is the perfect month to share your heart! Please join us at the Voorhees Arts Center and create watercolor painted “Thank You For Your Service” Greeting Cards for local Veterans and military service members who are deployed around the world. Instructed by artist and proud military spouse, Amy Bash. Our Healing Art For A Hero’s Heart program is a FREE community art program!
Learn watercolor painting techniques, create greeting cards, and write your own encouraging messages. This is a wonderful way to show gratitude to the brave men and women who have served and are currently serving our country. The Military Support Group of NJ will send completed art to soldiers around
All materials are provided. EASY – No experience needed. TO register https://fb.me/e/1Xa4C2ljJ

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