Independence Day Ruck
Event Date
06/29/2018 - 07/01/2018
Event TimeAll Day;
“We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.”
― Benjamin Franklin
The Founding Fathers risked everything in the name of a dream called America. Theirs was a difficult, violent, and honorable calling–independence, that is. At the Independence Day GORUCK Challenge, expect a history lesson as we honor their sacrifice and enjoy the benefits of freedom by living life to its fullest under rucks, shoulder to shoulder with fellow patriots touring your town all the while singing Happy Birthday to America (amongst other festivities). And good news: Sam Adams is certain to make an appearance once you have earned your patch. Happy Birthday America!
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Rucking is the foundation of Special Forces training. Green Berets are well versed in shouldering heavy rucks through cities, mountains, jungles and deserts, in war and in peace — alone when they must, together whenever possible. Rucking requires strength, endurance, and character — and builds it, too.
Note: Hiking is rucking in the mountains, urban hiking is simply called rucking. Rucking can be done at any weight.

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