Marine Corps Birthday at Cookie’s Tavern
Event Date
Event Time11:00 am;
Cookies Tavern
2654 S Alder St
Philadelphia, PA
Come celebrate the 242nd Marine Corp birthday at Cookie’s Tavern on November 10 starting at 11:00 am. Please join us at Cookies as we honor the Marines and all who serve our country, men and women, past and present.
The birthday cleberation is open to the public & is free! Pay-As-You-Go or special packages.
1 pm ceremony to include introduction to former Marines, USMC color guard, and more!
$50 Special Package: (Cookie’s Draw String Bag) Inlcudes:
● Wrist Band for all your can drink beer
● Food
● Cookie’s Hat
● Cookie’s beer cozy
● Beer Mug
● 242nd T-Shirt
● Giveaway from beer company
You’ll also be able to buy Cookie’s Marines Birthday t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, hats and more! (cash only & no pre-order packages available – only available the day of the event) $30 all you can drink & eat if you don’t want the above package.
There will be live music by 2 bands: Hickstown Road band & another to be announced soon. Also 2 Dj’s & the Polish-American Stringband! Doreen Taylor will be singing our National Anthem! For more details:
Some of the proceeds will go to the Marine Corp Toys for Tots foundation. If you wish to donate to the Toys for Tots program, please bring a new, unwrapped toy or you can make a cash donation. Marine Corps Association & Foundation
FYI – There is a welcome party at McGillin’s Olde Ale House at 1310 Drury St on Nov 9 from 6 pm to 9 pm on 2nd floor! $25 per person: Open Bar for 3 hours (Miller Lite, Yuengling, PBR & Bud Light), house wines & top shelf liquours. Also, hot & cold buffet for 2 hours. Details:
Cut off to buy tickets for either event is November 4.
Landing Party at Buffalo Billiards on November 12 from 7 pm to 10 pm. Details:

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