Meet Captain Percival Drayton, US Navy (Deceased)
Event Date
Manayunk Brewery
4120 Main St
Philadelphia, PA
Captain Percival Drayton, US Federal Navy – Deceased (aka. Captain Jack Lieberman, US Navy, Retired) will be speaking, in the “First Person,” about his exploits at sea during the War of the Rebellion, on the following date/venue:
UNITED STATES NAVY LEAGUE – Annual Membership Meeting
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
4120 Main Street
Philadelphia, PA 19127
Time: 6:00 PM
Cost: $35.00 per Person (Estimated) Please Pay at the Door
Pub Food – Cash Bar
RSVP: Please RSVP by email to
Dress Code: Casual
The US Navy League Annual Membership will feature Board Member Jack Lieberman, who will give a presentation on BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER during the US Civil War. Percival and Thomas Drayton were the sons of wealthy South Carolina Congressman William Drayton. Percival joined the Navy in 1827, reaching the rank of Captain at the outbreak of the War. Thomas was an 1828 graduate of West Point, where he was classmates with Jefferson Davis, his life-long friend, who appointed Drayton a Brigadier General in the Confederate army and commander of the Port Royal, South Carolina military district. On November 7, 1861 at the Battle of Port Royal, the USS Pocahontas commanded by Percival Drayton fired on Forts Walker and Beauregard commanded by his brother Thomas. Jack will give his talk about this battle of brother against brother in Full Dress, Civil War Period Navy Ceremonial attire.

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