NJ State American Legion Statewide Services- Calling all NJ Legions
Event Date
Locustwood Memorial Park
1550 Route 70 West
Cherry Hill, NJ
CALLING ALL NEW JERSEY AMERICAN LEGIONS (Legionaires, SALs, AUX and Riders) – Looking for ALL NJ Legions to participate. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW! Join in the 83rd Annual NJ American Legion Statewide Services – The Annual NJ Statewide American Legion Services kick off with the Parade on Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 1:30pm at Locustwood Cemetery, followed by a Ceremony, with Guest Speakers including NJ American Legion Officers, S.A.L. Officers, Auxiliary Officers, Gold Star mothers and others. Afterwards there is a Social/Buffet at American Legion Post 372,1532 Martin Ave, Cherry Hill. Be sure to come out and meet members/officers from all our NJ American Legions !! Its a great opportunity to mingle, share news and events with our fellow Legions !! If you havent participated in one of the other 82 years, please do this year!

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