Operation Iraqi Freedom
Event Date
Union League
140 South Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA
American Legion, Benjamin Franklin – Post # 405 JANUARY 2018 BANNER NARRATIVE
Place – Union League of Philadelphia
Date – Monday, January15, 2018
Time – 6:00 PM
Dress Code – Business Attire – No sneakers please
Operation Iraqi Freedom was the most controversial conflict of our time: a war which divided citizens, politicians, and militaries; resulted in headlines about torture, suicide bombings, death and destruction – a conflict where there was no single identifiable enemy and no exit strategy. Union League member, West Point graduate and 41-year military veteran, Major General Steve Hashem, US Army (Retired), served as the Director, CiviI – Military Operations for Multinational Force Iraq from July 2004 to August 2005, where he faced these and other challenges on a daily basis. Working with 300,000 multi-national troops, including 155,000 Americans, coalition partners and international organizations, his organization restored essential services and helped rebuild the Iraqi infrastructure. Perhaps, his most significant responsibility and contribution was as the military lead for the January 2005 elections, which were the first democratic elections in the history of Iraq, and a significant event — not only for Iraq — but for the entire Middle East. Working closely with the United Nations and Independent Electoral Commission for Iraq, he and his staff planned, coordinated and successfully executed the elections. Major General Hashem will share his experiences on the elections, his time in Iraq and the significance of US involvement in that conflict.

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