Parade of Tall Ships
Event Date
Event Time3:00 pm - 5:00 pm;
Battleship of NJ
100 Clinton St
Camden, NJ
Experience the Parade of Tall Ships as they sail pass the Battleship New Jersey on Thursday, May 24 from 3pm to 5pm. Each ship will sail up the Delaware River and will receive a salute from the guns of the Battleship as they pass. We’ll also have food concession and bar service.
Just a $10 donation to come aboard to watch the Tall Ships. Guests who purchase a tour of the Battleship are welcome to stay aboard and watch the Tall Ships sail pass en route to Penn’s Landing, Philadelphia. Viewing of the Parade of Tall Ships is free to Battleship Members.
For tickets, call 866-877-6262 ext, 108 or stop by the Battleship’s Ticket Office.

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