Puppies & Patriots
Event Date
Event Time5:30 pm - 9:00 pm;
Field House
1150 Filbert St
Philadelphia, PA
Welcome to the 3rd Annual Puppies & Patriots fundraiser! Team Foster hosts this annual fundraiser to provide service dogs to veterans. It’s the ultimate trifecta: veterans, puppies and beer!
Featured is our world famous PUPPY KISSING BOOTH. With the help of our partners, Susquehanna Service Dogs, all seven of the Team Foster Heroes Litter will be in attendance. At just 8 weeks old, there will be plenty of puppy cuddles and puppy kisses to share!
Also included is one hour of COMPLIMENTARY drinks from 5:30-6:30pm, then drink specials for the rest of the night.
Tickets are $25 at the door. Cash or credit accepted. Come out, support a great cause and have a great time.
Team Foster is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in honor of Captain Erick Foster and dedicated to ensuring there is No Hero Left Behind. All money raised goes to fund service dogs for local veterans. Learn more: TeamFoster.org

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