Sarge’s “22” Challenge- Walk to bring awareness to Veteran suicide
Event Date
Event Time10:00 am;
Eclipse Brewery (behind it)
25 E Park Ave
Merchantville, NJ
Chances are if you live in Camden County or the surrounding area you know Sarge! A service dog that has brought his Veteran handler incredibly far and out of the darkness. Sarges Challenge is a good faith self paced campaign to walk 22 miles within the month of June starting June 1st.
The finale will be our 6th annual PTSD/Suicide walk on Saturday June 24th @10am/rain date 25th .
We will walk as a group to bring awareness to Veteran suicide on Merchantville’s tree lined walking path, about 1 1/4 mile walk. The group will meet behind Eclipse Brewery 25East Park Ave Merchantville, NJ . A social is planned following the walk at the brewery.
A ruck patch will be available ,Sarge’s Challenge ,saving lives one paw at a time. More information to follow on how to register and donate to help another Veteran find his or her way in Life. More info

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